LavaPi Blog

Top Tech Jobs of 2021

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In our century, the tech industry is thriving more than ever. It is no doubt that some of the most beneficial, highest-paying, and relevant jobs today come precisely in this area of work. The IT industry is diverse; this means that there are various roles you can take...

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Top Websites for Freelancing

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Remote work has become a default for many people in the business world, which has opened a lot of doors for the freelancing industry. People are turning to freelance with the desire to have more flexible and comfortable jobs. One of the advantages being, having control of their schedules and salar...

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Tips for Agile Sprint Planning

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Planning a whole new sprint can easily become overwhelming without some smart organization. We know that a Project Manager is a person who has to take this heavy task on their shoulders; however, the contribution of the whole team is vital. 

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Product Owner VS. Project Manager

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If you work in a company, there's a chance you've heard about the Product Owner’s and Project Manager’s roles. Maybe you've even tried to take up one of them in your team. Even though both of these positions are vital for effectively executing a project, people still confuse them. To b...

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UI, UX, Graphic Design: Functions and Differences

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As today's tech world is developing, its aspects are advancing along with it. Web and Graphic design play an essential role in any digital product. The careers that these art practices require tend to confuse people as some of them find it difficult to understand their functions and the...

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Start an Affiliate Business in 2021

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You have probably heard of Affiliate Business gaining more and more popularity these days. An Affiliate could be an individual or a specific company that markets the seller's products to potential customers and gets the commission calculated accordingly. So, when the customer places a purchase, the seller and the a...

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What's The Truth Behind Clubhouse?

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Clubhouse – controversial invitation-only audio chat app launched in April 2020 sparked a lot of curiosity. Despite being released last year, it gained a lot of popularity during the past months. It is an app where anyone can host and join rooms where they talk,...

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Practical Tips for Junior Developers

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Are you a fellow admirer of the IT world and the tech industry? Do you want to learn and develop as a fantastic programmer but feel frustrated because you don't know where to start? Well, you're not alone. Read on to find helpful, practical tips for beginner developers just like you. <...

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