Business & StartupsApril, 2021

Tips for Agile Sprint Planning

LavaPi News

LavaPi News

Planning a whole new sprint can easily become overwhelming without some smart organization. We know that a Project Manager is a person who has to take this heavy task on their shoulders; however, the contribution of the whole team is vital. 

So, if your team is struggling to get work done in time, or if you wish to improve your organization skills for successful Agile sprint planning, read on to find life-changing tips. 

Check Your Roadmaps 

Before you decide to meet, do not forget to check your roadmaps. Roadmaps are indeed a backbone for your agile sprint planning. It sets the context for the epics and versions, which helps to precisely calculate the time needed for some longer-term tasks. 

Backlog Grooming

The sprint planning process is entirely dependent on backlog grooming and intelligently selecting specific tasks to be completed in the following week or two. It is helpful to take time to closely examine the backlog with a Product Owner before you start planning the sprint along with the whole development team. 

Here's how to make the best of the backlog grooming: 

  • The tasks need to be prioritized according to their importance for the project. High-priority tasks should be placed above in the backlog so that it can get the attention it deserves. 
  • The backlog needs to include user stories. One of the most important things for a development team is to consider the user experience and deliver the best service possible. Therefore, each team member should pay attention to user stories and try to meet the consumers' needs.
  • Information in the backlog needs to be up to date. It is essential for the Project Manager to track the progress of the team members. This will help to complete a sprint in an organized way, and the Project Manager will always have a complete picture of development to analyze. 

Attendance is Key 

The team needs to take the meetings seriously. Each member's presence is vital for successful and realistic planning. The Project Managers can do all the organizing they want, but only the team members can decide how much time they will actually need for completing the tasks. 

Detect and Note Problems

During the planning process, a lot of obstacles may arise. Therefore, any issues should be detected and eliminated straight in their tracks. It would be a good idea to note any problems you encounter along the way and bring them to the project manager's attention, who can confirm them and draw a strategy to deal with them. This will prevent your team from staying unguarded when a problem appears. 

Avoid Multitasking

A key to successful planning is smart time management. Your team should be able to estimate how much work they can get done in a single or couple of weeks. The process will be much easier if the team members can concentrate their energy on just several tasks per week instead of binge-working, which will leave them stressed out and unproductive. Don't load your sprint with unrealistic deadlines; consider your team members' abilities and take a project step by step - with consistency and precision.

If you follow these tips and stay mobilized, your sprint planning will be efficient and organized, which will guarantee your whole project's success. Don't get intimidated when facing a big project; instead, put your energy into keeping the scrutiny of information. Now, return to work and get that project done.


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